K8ZDQ's radioRSS
Hello world
Updated November 03, 2024

Welcome to my new blog.

This is a test post

What is this blog for?

I’m not one to publish my thoughts online, but regularly while experimenting with amateur radio, computers, or 3d printing I run into technical difficulties. I often have road blocks that have seemingly never been documented, even if I see others on the internet with the same issue. I also run into projects I wish to build that have a lack of instructions. Hopefully with this (micro?) blog I can do my part in making other people’s work easier. I intend to post information about projects I am currently working on to help assist anyone who runs across this page.

Your page is so basic?!

I don’t want to overcomplicate what this is, I may not even follow through so why should I bother making it nice. All CSS does is make my site load slower, and makes it less accessibility-friendly. This page is generated from markdown with Jekyll, with a custom (mostly empty) theme. It also includes a plugin for RSS and adaptive image sizes. Jekyll is a large program for such a simple page, but I like writing in markdown (not html). The solution that can make posting here as simple as possible, is the solution that will keep me updating the site.